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"The Law of Existence is Perfection.  Not moving toward or away from anything, not trying to add anything, but every whit Whole.  Every...

Monday, November 2, 2015

Stories and Laws

ACIM Teleclass every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Central Time.
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"Reality observes the laws of God, and not the rules you set.  It is His laws that guarantee your safety.  All illusions that you believe about yourself obey no laws." -- A Course in Miracles; Chapter 30, Section IV, 4:1-3

"I am under no laws but God's." -- A Course in Miracles; Workbook Lesson 76

Every day seems to be an endless round of things to be done, people to please, and stories to tell and listen to.  Such are the laws of work, of friendship, of being a good person.  Such are the laws of survival of the body and its relative bodies, be they persons, animals, or structures.  We like to tell the story that we want more 'free' time to meditate, to read, to write, to listen to God.  Such are the laws of being spiritual, of being dedicated to a spiritual path, of being enlightened.  Such rubbish!  There are no laws but God's, and God's laws are unchanging and perfectly complete!  There is no need to search for what is effortlessly true. And there is no need to look for laws in the world, where there simply aren't any!  It's all made up!

Buddha said that desire is the source of all suffering.  But he might have said  that the desire to tell stories about what binds us is the source of all suffering.  Because every imagined desire, every imagined problem, every imagined pleasure, every imagined encounter... all of it... has absolutely no substance and no power but the story we tell of it.  That's all there is to it.  And stories can be forgiven and dropped.  We can allow the laws of God to tell the true story of All that Is. In the unified vision of God (our true Eye), there is only Love, the story of Everything.

The conditioned mind is quick to defend its stories.  There is an existential fear of having nothing to say and nothing to do, of being nothing.  The irony is that as the stories are forgiven and relinquished, we experience the expanded Awareness of Self, our true Being, which has always been and will eternally be all there Is.  And the only laws in this expansive, eternal Life we share are laws of Love, Joy, Abundance, Peace, and Ever-New Joy.

When we forgive and cease believing our own stories, with new-born senses we see and hear a new story of Everything: "No matter how this appears, this is Good.  No matter what story you have been told, there is only Love in you and around you and AS you.  No matter what laws you think you must obey, you are always in the arms of Love, and need only follow Love's promptings."  As we listen to the Truth that Divine Love whispers to us, the old stories and fears fall away, and the world is reborn in our experience.  This isn't a fictional story.  This is experiential Truth.  Beyond all stories and earthly laws, the Truth of Being remains and longs to remind us that we are under no laws but God's.

"God's laws forever give and never take." -- A Course in Miracles; Workbook Lesson 76, 9:6

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