The way of Organic Abundance is all about trust, about allowing. Organic Abundance occurs when we allow the free expansion of Source energy in the world, which effortlessly results in the beauty and infinite variety of the Universe. Of course, I am not talking about any old energy here, not just electricity or solar energy. I am speaking of the Source energy of Einstein’s Field… the Field Einstein referred to when he said, “There is not matter and the Field, there is only the Field.” This energy has also been called scalar, zero or still-point energy, or pure potentiality, because it is not wave-like in nature, isn’t measurable in frequencies in its unmanifest state, and is the Source of all other energy and all of creation. When this energy is allowed to expand and emerge as radiant, high frequency energy waves in our individual lives, it renews, restores, revitalizes, and transforms. It flows and It Knows.
Trust is an authentic, natural state of awareness. It allows everything to unfold with a non-verbal knowing that what IS in this moment is perfect and necessary. There is, after all, only one Field of Source energy, which includes everything. Trust is the essence of letting go, a complete surrender to NOW, a dropping deep into the well of experience with complete and child-like abandon. Trust is our natural state of openness to all of life, breathing it all in, rejecting nothing. You don't have to do anything. It's who you really are.
Within you lies the seed of your true life. The organic energy curled within you is no less powerful or knowing than in the tiny spore that effortlessly unfolds into a graceful fern. This seed-self is organically present in you, and in everyone and everything. There is a way of living in the world that allows this primal energy... the Source energy of Einstein’s Field... to sprout us, grow us, live us. And the energy will emerge effortlessly in your life, in elegant and joyous ways, when it is recognized and trusted and allowed… it flows and It Knows.
Like everything in the phenomenal universe, trust has a shadow side. Not a bad side, just a negated side. When light is not present, there is darkness. When trust is not present, there is judgment. When you negate who you really are by assuming that you (or something or someone) are wrong or bad or lacking in any way, your experience is of the shadow side of trust, called judgment. It doesn’t matter who or what is judged to be guilty or wrong or lacking or mistaken or whatever. The experience of guilt and punishment is always the result of the negated trust that is judgment.
Have you ever climbed a tree? And ended up on a limb that feels like it won’t hold you? What did you do, then? Of course, you immediately moved closer to the trunk of the tree, where you felt supported. The trunk, being rooted deep in the earth, felt naturally strong and supportive. Judgment is like a very fragile limb. The experience of judgment creates experiences in our lives that show us we are far from center. It is a mechanism to show us experientially that it is past time to return to our natural state of trust, where we are effortlessly and organically supported by the entire universe.
Opposing Forces
Opposites are the way of the world. Day and night, black and white, happy and sad, beautiful and ugly… we are obsessed with defining our world in opposites. We find ourselves attracted to some people and places, and completely repelled by others. These attachments and aversions are the way opposing energies and frequencies play out in our world.
Many years ago, when I was struggling to figure out what my purpose in life might be, I woke up hearing a phrase echoing in my mind, “We must embrace our differences.” And as I read about scalar energy, I realized that it is much more than altruism… it is practical advice for realizing our Organic Abundance, the real and inclusive nature of the world. Just as scalar fields are the result of opposing energies meeting and enfolding, our true nature can only be known when nothing is rejected and every frequency of energy is welcomed into the field of energy that we are, into our living system. This does not mean that you have to act on every energy. You simply cease to judge or resist the energies that inhabit your world. Only energies in isolation are destructive. What happens when this inclusion is consciously embraced is a true scalar field of pure potential, and of limitless Organic Abundance.
Embracing Differences
When the seemingly conflicting energies that exist in any individual are truly and consciously allowed, a metamorphosis occurs that is as amazing as that of any caterpillar into butterfly. Where there was only an earth-bound consciousness, grasping and taking to survive, there emerges a new, expanded awareness of the whole, with the ability to soar in consciousness and the knowledge that whatever is necessary for life, you have only to relax into the Field and follow the energy that expands from there. It is a new way of living altogether.
The trick to the transformative practice of embracing differences and opposing forces is to bring together the very things we have tried so hard to keep apart. We don’t want our failures or our enemies around to remind us we’re not perfect, or to sully our image with our new job or that new relationship. We don’t want to be reminded of pain and suffering. We don’t want to give our enemies the satisfaction of existing at all. We want to annihilate them. The problem is that by the very act of resistance, the act of isolating or walling off in consciousness what we don’t want, we guarantee that it will continue to be energetically active in our life, in some form. That very energy wants and needs to move, and continually looks for ways in which to express and actually to ‘wake us up’ to that rejected part of our true Self.
Bringing all your various stories and judgments together is the key to returning to native trust. We must embrace all the differences we see ‘out there’ within ourselves. And once we have allowed all that we previously rejected back into our awareness without trying to push it away or change it, we are able to let it all go. Letting it all go doesn’t mean that it disappears. It means that the energy of those experiences that we resisted and tried to stuff or control is now freed to do its true work in the universe.
The way of Organic Abundance is trusting and allowing back into your consciousness whatever you have rejected, allowing everything to exist without trying to control it. And when everything is welcomed into the still point of pure awareness within you, it can join again with all of your life experiences, creating a conscious scalar field, the pure energy of Source. What happens then is spontaneous and effortless. An expansion occurs, radiating out from the heart of you as all the isolated, impeded energy of your various stories and resistances is transformed by this greater joining, and then is released to wherever it needs to be. This is the way of Organic Abundance, and trust is key. So remember to relax and trust. The energy itself Knows. It Knows.
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