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It Really Is That Simple

"The Law of Existence is Perfection.  Not moving toward or away from anything, not trying to add anything, but every whit Whole.  Every...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Let It Go Until Later

I was ready to not blog this morning. As I sat with my tea and my candle, there were no words. And since I have no desire to force what is an organic process, I was willing to simply let it go until later. Then I heard, "Let it go until later, " resonate through my mind. How often have I heard that statement through the filter of my own judgments?

Here is another myth that feeds the painful story of 'not enough.' Letting something go until later is considered by most to be slothful. The very word 'procrastination' is used to label it and condemn it. Now I wonder, why? When we bake bread we mix the dough, kneed it, and then let it rest so it can rise. Isn't that letting it go until later? Or when we do multiple coats of paint, we have to wait for one coat to dry until we do the next. Isn't that letting it go until later, too? Why this judgment and condemnation of not doing whatever we set out to do NOW? For that matter, why this preoccupation of forcing things to conform to our own demands of time and space?

A gentler, kinder way to be with myself seems to be trusting in the organic nature of things. Everything comes and goes in its own time, in its own way. In this world that is the flow... the contraction and the expansion, the emerging and the dissolution. The stillness of Self that knows this and witnesses it is Who We Really Are. Resting here there is no problem with doing it now... or letting it go until later.

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