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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Follow the Star

"The sign of Christmas is a star, a light in darkness. See it not outside yourself, but shining in the Heaven within, and accept it as the sign the time of Christ has come." -- A Course in Miracles

I had a lucid dream last night, and heard what I call the Voice. It was explaining that only when the so-called knowledgeable parts of ourselves become willing to follow the unknown (the wise men following the star) will we find our true Self, the Christ Self that is eternally One. And as I heard these words, I saw a star above my head and then in my head, and felt the archetypal awareness of following the Inner Light of the Star.

Whatever darkness seems to envelope the world and our individual lives, the Star shines within to lead us back to the awareness of Oneness. It is important to realize though, that this journey requires leaving every concept we have ever known and loved. It requires the willingness to leave the known and journey within, following that inner light that is symbolized by the Christmas Star. As ACIM puts it, "Not one thought the world believes is true."

The ego's response to this is always fear and rationalization. "Oh, that is symbolic too. It doesn't mean that literally. How could you possibly live in the world with that awareness and without compromising?" I think of some of the teachers I have had over the years; Gangaji, Byron Katie, Joel Goldsmith, Lao-tzu, and most of all, Jeshua ben Joseph. All of them share an uncompromising willingness to follow the inner Voice, that Light of Awareness that re-Minds us Who We Are. Could we expect to follow the Star with less willingness and commitment?

Remember, the journey of the wise men took them across the desert and over many mountains. And it ultimately led them to a tiny baby born in less-than-ideal circumstances, something that only a few short months before they would have scorned as a mistake. And yet, their willingness to leave what they thought they knew and follow the Light regardless of where it led them... that willingness brought them to the birth of Love ItSelf.

"Without opening your door, you can open your heart to the world." -- The Tao te Ching

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