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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Forgive Us Our Debts, As We Forgive Our Debtors

"And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." -- The Lord's Prayer

Think of a time when you were completely at peace. Usually when we think of such times, we think it had to do with where we were or who we were with or what pleasurable activity we were engaged in. The truth is, in those moments we are simply holding no thoughts of judgment or blame about anyone or anything. We all have these rare moments of total release, peace, and joy... and they have absolutely nothing to do with anything or anyone external. When we insist that they do, we are lost once again.

When Jeshua ben Joseph gave the Lord's Prayer, he was giving us the most practical template to navigate this hall of mirrors we call life. In a world where literally everything is projection, the quickest way to peace is always to let go of the projections. This has nothing to do with the outer. It is an inside job.

When Jeshua ben Joseph prayed, "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors," he was pointing to this immutable law of projection. What we let go of in consciousness, in mind, we release in our projected experience. So in those rare moments when we relax our death-grip on our projected stories, we glimpse reality. In those rare moments when we let go of every single judgment, including self-judgment, we have forgiven the world, and the world as we have known it blinks off, like the virtual reality it is.

What remains when we 'return' from these brief glimpses is our choice. If we return to our judgments and stories, which we usually do, we simply think this is the 'real' world. Like Narcissus with his mirror, we love our own projections. But there is another way. If we listen to the still, small Voice that speaks from the Peace within, we have a very different experience in our everyday world. All projections that had to do with stories of conflict simply fall away, like the nothingness they are. All projections that serve this Awakening to Who You Are emerge effortlessly, like grace.

As we forgive our own projections and stories, and forgive ourselves for making it all up, we let go of our insistence on having it our way. We let go of our need to control, of our need to have our illusions survive and be secure, of our need to be approved of in the illusory world of our own judgments. There is such a sense of peace and joy, of infinite release, that comes to the mind that lets go. This is my prayer for us all.

"There is an ancient peace you carry in your heart and have not lost." -- A Course in Miracles

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