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It Really Is That Simple

"The Law of Existence is Perfection.  Not moving toward or away from anything, not trying to add anything, but every whit Whole.  Every...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Perfect Happiness

"God's Will for me is perfect happiness." -- A Course in Miracles; Workbook 101

"I share God's Will of happiness for me." -- A Course in Miracles; Workbook 102

"There is no will but God's." -- A Course in Miracles; Workbook 74

Reason tells us that Omnipresent God, Source, our Infinite and Eternal Creator must be perfect, whole, and complete.  So if there is only One Infinite, Eternal Source, where did imperfection come from?  We seem to find flaws and problems and imperfection everywhere we look, especially in ourselves.  But if Omnipresent God is One, Perfect, and Whole, then I can only reflect God's Will, which is God's Being.  Omnipresent, Infinite and Eternal means there can be nothing else, no 'other' Will but God's.

Religionists who believe in sin and redemption will argue that it's some sort of holy test in which we are learning to become like God.  But where the heck did a creation unlike its Creator come from?  What would be its source?  Every suffering and sorrow in the world can be traced back to this belief in a bad seed, a seed that produces something totally unintended and unlike its source.  But look at the natural world.  Does a lettuce seed produce turnips???

Jesus once compared the Kingdom to a mustard seed.  He also told us the Kingdom of Heaven is already IN us.  A mustard seed already has everything that it is and will be within it.  Like all ideas in the mind of God it is self-full, complete and self-fulfilling.  Once planted, its happiness is that unfolding, that becoming, the extending of being in infinite variety, but always of the essence of its Creator.  It's never the form that is perfect... form is constantly changing and flowing into new form, in endless celebration of the perfection at the heart of it all.

What Jesus showed us is how to stop obsessing about form.  He demonstrated over and over that when you know God as your Self, and as the Self of everyone and everything, you see this perfection at the core of all Being.  And then the forms that change and flow are seen to reflect this perfection as they change and flow.  Perfection has nothing to do with your concept of perfection.  Perfection is Wholeness of Being, and Perfect Happiness... not something you 'have' but something you BE.  Something you already are and have always been. 

This seed of happiness that is the core of everything, is pure joy.  This bubbling well of joy that is in you and in me, IS perfect happiness.

"God, being Love, is also happiness."  A Course in Miracles; Workbook 103 

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