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Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Ground of Being

"In all things give thanks... " -- The Bible

Thanks-giving. Giving thanks. Giving t-hanks. Giving th-anks. O.K., so this isn't going anywhere. But when I think about the word and this holiday, I kind of come up blank. It seems to be one of those sacred cow areas that are so much about the story of it that I can't see what really IS. I mean, how dare I question the concept of Thanksgiving? Who am I to ask such questions, when everyone knows it is spiritual and sacred to be thankful, and if you're not, if you don't appreciate your life and this holiday, you're just an ungrateful, miserable, unspiritual wretch.

What if I've uncovered yet another blind spot? Just the fact that I think I have to be grateful or appreciative is a set-up, isn't it? MAKING myself feel bad because I don't appreciate everything I have. Or MAKING myself feel smug because I have so much and appreciate it. It seems to me that neither of these have anything at all to do with the Biblical injunction to give thanks in all things. What if it's not a rule or injunction? What if it is a statement about Reality? What if it is simply about the fact that when all these stories and blind spots and smokescreens are dropped, our very Being simply IS love and gratitude. It's not something we do or something we have or have not. It's who we are.

There is a great deal of relaxing and freedom in this. It doesn't matter what is or is not going on in my life. It's not about appearing to look grateful or appearing to be spiritual, even when it hurts. In all things I cannot help but be and radiate Who I Am. I am the Gift of Thanksgiving. And so are you. Our real Self rests in the Awareness of Oneness, the love and gratitude that IS the Ground of Being. Thank God.

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