"Hoarding: Amassing money or valued objects and hiding or storing it away, typically in a carefully guarded way." -- The New Oxford American Dictionary
"Hoarding: Gathering things together in the external. This is a vain effort to avert an imagined lack or shortage in the future." -- from The Revealing Word by Charles Fillmore
"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." -- The Bible; Matthew 6:19-21
I didn't particularly want to write about this topic today. It sort of chose me, as the topic of hoarding has been in my face lately, and there are no accidents in consciousness. So I am looking more closely at the literal and metaphysical teaching here, because I know it's always pointing me to what is True.
As many of you know, I run an animal sanctuary on my farm. I'm very careful not to take more animals than I can care for, and I've largely outgrown the notion that it's my job to save all the creatures of the world. So I don't have the hoarding mentality of some animal rescue workers. But recently a no-kill shelter nearby was shut down and all the animals taken because they developed a hoarding mentality... in other words, they kept taking animals even when they had no room for them. They thought that saving their bodies meant something. And I used to feel that it was about saving bodies, too.
Now, I do stop for every turtle I see on the road. And if I see an animal in need, I do my very best to find help for it. If someone calls me with an animal that has been abandoned or abused and I don't have room, I help them find someone who does. But the caring for these beautiful creatures has taught me that bodies don't mean so much... they come and go. But the spirit, the divine idea of each creature is so perfect and permanent. The divine idea of every animal that's ever lived or died here remains, in all its perfection. Their being is my being. Their spirit nurtures and teaches my spirit. We are quite literally One. I've come to realize that real Sanctuary is of and for the Spirit. It can't be lost, nor can it ever be lacking.
Hoarding shows up in so many ways. We are a culture of hoarders. Our medical communities hoard bodies... keeping a body alive becomes more important than the Reality of Being, the Spirit that is the essence of each person. It's easy to see this kind of hoarding in nursing homes and hospitals.
Our financial communities hoard money, of course. But not just money. What is hoarded is the destructive idea of competition and winning, of having or being more because of what is accumulated. Again, the form of hoarding is pretty secondary... it's the thought that I am more, or validated, or better because I've collected some paper or metal or some iou's. We're like a culture of little children playing a really bad game of Monopoly. And our sports and media cultures hoard everything from celebrity to information.
Even those of us without much money manage to hoard. We may hoard friends or relationships, memorabilia from our families, old photographs, old books or writing or ideas that we think we might want to look at 'later.' We may hoard old musical instruments or guns or tea cups or anything in the name of 'collecting.' I've seen street people with shopping carts full of hoarded junk that they think they might need sometime. And those of us with clutter have to acknowledge that clutter is a form of hoarding. If we're not hanging on to the clutter for some reason, why haven't we cleaned it up? What is it for? What is any of it for?
A Course in Miracles says that 'more' is the motto of the human ego... and that it doesn't even matter more of what. Hoarding is the nature of the self that thinks it is a body. And I've come to discover that the worst form of hoarding is the hoarding of concepts, because we don't see ourselves doing it. We tell the same stories, using the same concepts of self, over and over and over... and these concepts we hoard are always false ideas about a self that's in a body. We're carefully taught these stories, these concepts, by parents and teachers and media. But we're willing slaves to this hoarding... we eagerly accumlate the false sense of identity it gives us, even when that identity is tied to a seemingly miserable or flawed self. We hoard these false self-concepts because we think it's who and what we are, and that we would somehow be lacking existence and life without them. That this fear is largely unconscious makes it the most insidious form of hoarding.
So by now we've all reached the same conclusion... that simply living in this world means we're hoarders. We're all trying to accumlate a sense of self that is safe, healthy, financially sound, and autonomous... and in our efforting, we'll settle for a self that is fairly safe, sort of healthy, getting by financially, and isolated from other scary people. It's this very efforting that Jesus referred to in the above quote from Matthew. It's this very efforting that hides the Presence of the Kingdom from our Awareness, right here and right now.
A safe and autonomous self can never be. Only bodies appear separate, and we are not our bodies. Where would a separate self be, in Oneness? Nothing and nowhere. But our Self, our infinitely unique and varied Self, is always safe and whole and uniquely expressing, in and as each of us. We are Spirit, and we are One, and we are individually unique and precious in this Oneness. Animals can be animals and still be One with me. You can be uniquely you and still be my Self. I can let go of literally everyone and everything and still be One with it All. Nothing is lost or lacking in Oneness, ever. This is the nature of our God-Self, and of the Kingdom. And this awareness is the end of hoarding, and the beginning of our Real Life in and as Spirit.
"Take no thought, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'Wherewithal shall we be clothed?' But seek ye first the Kingdom of God... and all these things shall be added unto you." -- Matthew 6:31-33
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
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I understand acquiring material things misses the point of who we are, but doesn't the intent make a difference? Is collecting starving animals to prevent suffering the same as collecting stocks and bonds to acquire status?
Never mind, I think I answered my own question :)
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