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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Waking Up

"Sleeper, awake! Rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."
-- The Bible, Eph. 5:14

Awakening in the mornings, sometimes there is willingness, and sometimes there is the desire to go back to sleep. A metaphor for the spiritual journey that is life. I have had many discussions lately with one of my clients about the willingness to be authentic in the world. The fear of exposure is very akin to wanting to go back to sleep.

What is it in us that fears exposure? What is it in us that fears what others think of us, that wants to be seen a certain way? What is it in us that avoids situations and people that will not see us as we want to be seen? And sometimes intentionally continues in hurtful situations simply because they see us as we have come to see our self?

Yesterday I wrote about the compulsive need to be someone and do something. This fear of awakening and exposure is closely related, because it is an intentional protection of whatever identity I have manufactured. And identities are always self-created.

There is a way of Being in the world that allows all identities and yet does not need to defend any of them. It is not generated by or affected by fear or wanting or hiding or judgment. It is the way of Awareness ItSelf, the Field of Awareness that I speak of in my book, The Little Book of Organic Abundance. It is the way we are at home, wherever we are.

When we awaken from the deep sleep of ego-identification (awakening from the 'dead'), the light of pure Awareness, the Christ-Mind, does indeed shine brightly. The only question that remains is: what do I want? Do I want to wake up, is there willingness and openness? Or do I choose to bury my head under the covers and hide from the light? The choice is always mine... and yours.

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